💪 اقوى سورس عربي


Say goodbye to tracking, spies, intrusive ads and untrusted hosts.
Blocks about 3,000 blacklisted hosts!
This tweak's main goal is to block a maximum of third-party hosts used by your applications that have been identified as collecting personal and confidential data (location, contacts, UDID, etc.) for commercial, tracking or advertising purpose.
This package will add all blacklisted hosts to your /etc/hosts file. It will NOT overwrite your custom hosts file (if you already have custom entries in

معلومات الأداة
1.5.9-1 الإصدار
21123 التحميلات
iOS 9.0 ~ iOS 12.1.2 التوافق
2019-03-21 01:51:30 تاريخ رفع الاداة
ادعمنا و تابعنا عبر حساباتنا
معلومات السورس

@ArCydia_Team - ✌ اقوى سورس عربي